Lash Paradise Mascara Occhi Primer Bianco

Oap Packshot Makeup Mascara Paradise Primer SITO WEB
Dettagli Prodotto
Primer ciglia rinforzante e intensificatore di volume e lunghezza.

The conditioning mascara primer Lash Paradise prepares your eyelashes for paradise, boosting mascara volume and improving eyelash care. The ultra-soft application experience is suited for sensitive eyes.

The feather-soft brush of this mascara primer coats lashes with a smooth formula enriched with nourishing jojoba oil and vitamins.
Your eyelashes will soon feel feather-soft, stronger and more fortified.

Apply this eyelash primer before your regular mascara to make your lashes look even longer and more conditioned.

83% agree that this mascara primer increases volumizing and lengthening effects*
81% agree it makes lashes look more beautiful*
* self-evaluation on 113 women

How To Apply This Eyelash Primer:
Step 1. Prep Your Eyelashes With The Mascara Primer Lash Paradise - Place Brush At The Base Of Lashes & Gently Sweep Upward From Root To Tip. No Need To Let It Dry!
Step 2. Layer Lash Paradise Mascara On Top To Boost Volume And Improve Eyelash Care
Indicazioni per la raccolta differenziata

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Lash Paradise
Mascara Occhi Primer Bianco
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